This Wednesday I decided to go back to the quilt that I started in November, the Pinwheel quilt. I made some excellent progress & have completed another 10 blocks. Now all I need is to square them all up to 12inches & the blocks are ready to sew together.

Strip pieced & cutting wide sections

Strip piecing the narrow sections

Narrow strips all cut

Chain piecing back together

Four patch squares created

More piecing

Blocks Complete
Just in case you haven't seen enough pictures I thought I'd share with you what else I got up to. This first quilt top is for my DD... aka Twin 1, Missy Moo, Little Moo or Hannah Moo. It's a disappearing nine-patch that I started at a one day workshop at
Thread Bear that was with
Carolyn Forster as the tutor. All I need to do now is add the border & then sandwich it. I think the border will be the lilac marble fabric as I have quite a bit of it & I think it would finish it off nicely.

This last one is a quilt top that I finished a few months ago but so far I haven't got around to sandwiching & finishing. I think I blogged about some of the stars as I was doing them but can't remember if I shared the finished top with you, so here it is.

I think that's everything.... for now... time to trim up some blocks.
Happy stitching :-)