I've finally finished my first BOM for the
Bloggers Block Of the Month.
It took me a while to decide on my fabrics & I've had a bundle of half metres of
Kate Spains Central Park in my fabric stash for some time & i've been saving it up for the right project. I'm not sure if this is the right project but then the fabric is sooooooo lovely that I'm not sure the right project would ever come along so I had to get over it & make the cut, after all I can't keep all the fabric I buy forever..... can I???
I made a block & then made another 3 to go with it, thus making a larger block. I love it... really love it, hope you do to.

My friend Franney is also taking part in this BOM & to see her version of the block you can visit her blog & see it
The fabrics for block #2 are almost all cut & hopefully this monday I'll be sewing it up :)