Some good news is that I'll be doing a Christmas Craft Fair in November, that means I've been going flat out in the evenings working on quilts, gifts & christmas fabric thingys. No pictures yet but hopefully soon. At the moment I'm working on a Star quilt, a lap or childs quilt & a christmas table runner.Working on the craft fair things has meant that my cross stitching has suffered a bit, not like I had hours available to stitch anyway but now I have even less. I do however have a couple of stitching pictures to share with you.
The first is Lizzie*Kates Peace, Love & A Cure. This seems to have turned into a travelling piece, I only appear to stitch it when I'm a passenger in the car. It's almost finished too, just the heart to finish off & the Peace symbol :-)
The next is the Lizzie*Kate Boo Club which is part of a SAL. I'm glad I've finally made some good progress on this, it's really enjoyable... if only there were more hours in the day!