Friday is a 3 fold day... where most of the busy-ness took place.
Up at 4am, yes thats right 4am (not that it matters much to me as I'm usually awake every hour on the hour atm). The parents arrived in their bus & it was off to the airport. We get to take them to the airport & then have the use of their vehicle for the duration of their holiday, provided that is that we pick them up again after their holiday! For those of you that don't know (or realise!) that this is the day that Greg & I would have been flying off to the sunny caribbean for a relaxing 10 day cruise (thank you very much parents). We'd have been accompanied by other members of the family as we celebrated both parents 60th birthdays. Alas... for us.... it was not to be (thank you very much twinlets!). We are over it now... no really we are, we get babies, not just the average singleton but the more special twin variety & for that we are grateful & how ever much that I (we_ would have loved to have gone on the cruise I do remind myself that there are people that are unable to have one baby, let alone two at the same time... for that I am eternally grateful.
For those of you that are in the know... the un-named wench was as expected... nuff said!
Ok... so thats the bad & ugly covered :-) Now for the good!!!
From the fun & frolicks of Heathrow we headed into & across town to The Baby Show... back to the Excel centre for us at Docklands. We got there at 8.30am, show doesn't start until 9.30am. Today we decided to up our ticket for the car park, rather than 2 hours we paid for 5 hours, worked out cheaper than doing it the other way. We had checked the show details the evening before so had an idea of how big it was, what stands we wanted to see & what else was on offer. Being a subject that neither of us have any real experience of we decided it would take us a while to work our way around. Oh how right we were. After spending our initial hour relaxing with a bacon bagel & orange juice we made our way into the show & starting our browsing. We collected every freebie we could, signed up for a ton of junk mail & made mental notes about what we'd like to purchase before leaving. Well a good 4 hours later & a few hundred pounds lighter we left the show & managed to fill up the entire boot space in the parents Galaxy. Lots of new toys for the new babies..... so much fun :-)
Friday, 29 February 2008
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Stitching Show - Thursday
So I'll start with the London Stitch & Creative Crafts Show at the Excel Centre, Docklands. What a result.. finally a stitching show which doesn't involve getting up at the crack of dawn to get there & not only that but the show runs from Thursday 29th Feb to Saturday 1st March & on the Thursday they are open until 9pm. Fantastic.. I can work & then go to the show.
Well all that sounded wonderful in practice. Here's the reality of the stitching show. We get there & the car park is almost empty... this is good news & not really surprising at it is about 17.30pm on a thursday evening & most people are heading home rather than into town. Get parked easy enough & it's pay & display. No problem there, it is however £3 an hour. Ok. so how long do we get, knowing what it can be like at these events & how long it takes to peruse the goods, we opt for 2 hours. Any later than that & I'd probably be ready to keel over. We get to the show, after being unable to find anything to tell us which halls, I mean Hall, it is in & there we happily hand over our £9 per person enterance fee (yes £9 each).
Once in the show I decided to take it as slow as possible. No... not because we are 6 months pregnant with twins but more to the point if we'd have gone any quicker we'd have been around the show in a matter of 15 minutes & back on the road home!!!! Yes.. I have to say that it must have been the worst stitching & craft show that I have EVER attended. I mean some of the stands there were simply pathetic. It had its usual mix of papercraft & beading stands, some of the stitching sellers that are large enough to be at every single show on the planet but there was nothing else really. I found one stitching stand that was what I class as an independent. Some nice quick & small designs with a lovely selection of hand dyed pure silk threads, they were unusual so I made a purchase at this stand. I have to ask what on earth to Handbags, Holidays, Trollys, Toaster Bags (to name but a few) have to do with stitching & creative crafts.... sweet Fanny Adams to be honest.
This show was a joke... it was a nightmare... there was nothing for the knitter or the stitcher & I was & still am completely appalled by the amount that it cost to get in to this show. I would certainly never attend another like it & will make a point of being extremely wary of attending any other events organised by Trident Exhibitions Limited so that would be Sandown Park out the window for me as they organise that one too.
What a waste of time & money.
Well all that sounded wonderful in practice. Here's the reality of the stitching show. We get there & the car park is almost empty... this is good news & not really surprising at it is about 17.30pm on a thursday evening & most people are heading home rather than into town. Get parked easy enough & it's pay & display. No problem there, it is however £3 an hour. Ok. so how long do we get, knowing what it can be like at these events & how long it takes to peruse the goods, we opt for 2 hours. Any later than that & I'd probably be ready to keel over. We get to the show, after being unable to find anything to tell us which halls, I mean Hall, it is in & there we happily hand over our £9 per person enterance fee (yes £9 each).
Once in the show I decided to take it as slow as possible. No... not because we are 6 months pregnant with twins but more to the point if we'd have gone any quicker we'd have been around the show in a matter of 15 minutes & back on the road home!!!! Yes.. I have to say that it must have been the worst stitching & craft show that I have EVER attended. I mean some of the stands there were simply pathetic. It had its usual mix of papercraft & beading stands, some of the stitching sellers that are large enough to be at every single show on the planet but there was nothing else really. I found one stitching stand that was what I class as an independent. Some nice quick & small designs with a lovely selection of hand dyed pure silk threads, they were unusual so I made a purchase at this stand. I have to ask what on earth to Handbags, Holidays, Trollys, Toaster Bags (to name but a few) have to do with stitching & creative crafts.... sweet Fanny Adams to be honest.
This show was a joke... it was a nightmare... there was nothing for the knitter or the stitcher & I was & still am completely appalled by the amount that it cost to get in to this show. I would certainly never attend another like it & will make a point of being extremely wary of attending any other events organised by Trident Exhibitions Limited so that would be Sandown Park out the window for me as they organise that one too.
What a waste of time & money.
Been so busy!!!
Oh my word, where to begin, the last week or so has been a busy one indeed for us. Well maybe not even the last week but the last few days anyway. Will probably have to do a few posts over the course of the next two days just to try & remember everything so bear with me while I try to remember the good, the bad & the ugly bits!
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Little Happy Dance!
Finally I have a completion for 2008. Only problem is that I can't quite share that with you yet as it's to be finished into a gift so I need to wait until it's been received before I can post a piccie :-)
Started back on the Welcome House from Cinnamon Cat... really need to get this finished before March & it's creeping up on me kind of quick now, still, made some more progress on it today & hopefully will get some more done later this week.
Started back on the Welcome House from Cinnamon Cat... really need to get this finished before March & it's creeping up on me kind of quick now, still, made some more progress on it today & hopefully will get some more done later this week.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Baby Scans :-)

Yayyy... this week was baby scan week :-) As you can see we have 2 little babies. It was a relief to see them as it was such a long time ago that we had the last scan & it's quite a worry not knowing whats happening & how they are developing. Well it turns out they are fine. Everything was noted as normal, no anomolies & nice healthy bones & organs.
Next scan is scheduled for 11th March.

Sunday, 3 February 2008
Weekend over :-(
Worked some more today on the Welcome House, no picture this week though, not quite enough progress today to warrant a further pic.
Had 2 flat viewings this weekend. Saturday.... they gave nothing away so we have to wait for a call from the agent on that one. Sunday.... now they seemed really happy with the rooms & kitchen etc so I look forward to hearing what the agent says about their visit.
Only a few more days to baby scan day. I just wish it would hurry up & get here. To say that I'm a little anxious is an understatement & at the same time I'm petrified & excited.
Lets hope Monday through Wednesday go quickly :-) xx
Had 2 flat viewings this weekend. Saturday.... they gave nothing away so we have to wait for a call from the agent on that one. Sunday.... now they seemed really happy with the rooms & kitchen etc so I look forward to hearing what the agent says about their visit.
Only a few more days to baby scan day. I just wish it would hurry up & get here. To say that I'm a little anxious is an understatement & at the same time I'm petrified & excited.
Lets hope Monday through Wednesday go quickly :-) xx
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